Did You Know?
Fasting burns sugar.
Your body is a major detoxifying machine. Use fasting to your advantage.
Your blood rejuvenates itself and becomes new every 90 days.
Your organs rejuvenate themselves and become new every 11 months.
All your bones rejuvenate themselves and become new every 2 years.
Just like a snake sheds its skin and has new skin. Our body does the same thing. It’s like a cycle and our bodies will have a hard time rejuvenating itself with trash/food.
Did You Know?
Fasting burns sugar.
Your body is a major detoxifying machine. Use fasting to your advantage.
Your blood rejuvenates itself and becomes new every 90 days.
Your organs rejuvenate themselves and become new every 11 months.
All your bones rejuvenate themselves and become new every 2 years.
Just like a snake sheds its skin and has new skin. Our body does the same thing. It’s like a cycle and our bodies will have a hard time rejuvenating itself with trash/food.