ReMag® liquid, pico-ionic magnesium is fully bioavailable. It is created from 99.99% pure magnesium ingots and is able to outperform other bound magnesium compounds given it’s superior absorption. Plus it will not cause GI distress, nor the laxative effect when taken as directed.
Why This Formula Absorbs Better
ReMag® is formulated via a proprietary process to stabilize the ions in the picometer size range to ensure the ions easily pass into the cell, more quickly upon ingestion. Comparatively, other bound mineral compounds must first be broken down, then absorbed at a lesser percent, post digestion, before rebinding once again and becoming unavailable for intracellular utilization.
Why Take Magnesium (MG)
Magnesium, is a critical component in the bio-enzymatic processes of energy creation, protein formation, gene maintenance, nervous system regulation and muscle movement. Mg is Required for the Health of the Heart, Brain, Bones, and More.
While inconclusive, the FDA has agreed and approved a statement in support of magnesium supplementation as part of a heart healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of hypertension, aka “high blood pressure”.
Mg also ensures the integrity of the blood brain barrier and plays a key role in lowering systemic inflammation, per
Plus magnesium activates vitamin D which supports immunity. And altogether, vitamins D and K2, plus Mg facilitate calcium storage in support of bone strength and density.
16 fl.oz.
Ingredients: Magnesium (from magnesium chloride), Reverse Osmosis Water (Met™ Water)
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